You are here: Reference > Hand-Editing Configuration Files > Configuring the WMS API Using XML Files

Configuring the WMS API Using XML Files

We strongly recommend that you configure and manage your Express Server installation using the Express Server Manager, a graphical user interface automatically installed with your product (see Configuring Express Server). The files in this section are preserved for reference and as a convenience to those who prefer to edit the configuration files in their XML form.

This section describes the configuration options for publishing Express Server catalogs as OGC Web Map Server (WMS) layers. These options affect the results in the GetCapabilities call.

NOTE: In order to publish a catalog as a WMS layer, the catalog must have a SpatialIndex element defined (for details see Configuring Catalogs Using XML Files), and the data in the catalog must be indexed (for more information see isindex).

All WMS related configuration is performed in the catalog configuration file (catalogs.xml). There are three levels of user definable WMS information, which are described below:

For information about common WMS-related tasks, see Adding and Configuring a WMS Layer Using XML and the Command Line and Configuring Reprojection for WMS Layers Using XML Files.

Caching the Capabilities Response

The Express Server dynamically generates a capabilities document in response to each GetCapabilities request, unless the file <Express Server installation directory>/ImageServer/var/wms.capabilities.xml exists. If this file exists, then it will be sent as a response to the GetCapabilities request.

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