Layer specific information is defined by elements of the catalog which implements the layer. That is, they are defined by individual elements, such as <wms:CRS>, that are child elements of the Catalog
Here is an example of the WMS layer information for a catalog listed in the catalogs.xml:
<wms:Title>GeoEye Missouri - RGB</wms:Title>
<wms:Title>Dataset provided courtesy MJ Harden/GeoEye</wms:Title>
<wms:AuthorityURL name="DIF_ID">
<wms:OnlineResource xlink:href=""/>
<wms:Identifier authority="http://bar">foo</wms:Identifier>
<wms:MetadataURL type="FGCD">
<wms:OnlineResource xlink:href=""/>
<wms:OnlineResource xlink:href="http://sea-serv-image/Images/logos/LTlogo"/>