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Hand-Editing Configuration Files

We strongly recommend that you configure and manage your Express Server installation using the Express Server Manager, a graphical user interface automatically installed with your product (see Configuring Express Server). The files in this section are preserved for reference and as a convenience to those who prefer to edit the configuration files in their XML form.

In order to use the components of Express Server you must first configure them. This is done by means of editable XML documents called configuration files. These files are internally documented. That is, notes on how to edit them are embedded in comments within the XML documents themselves. Some elements may also be "commented out" and can be activated simply by editing the comments.

This section offers information about configuring the Express Server's Web and Web Map Service (WMS) APIs and the JPIP Server component using these configuration files.

For information about configuring other components and functionality including mirroring (using multiple Express Servers) and database interoperability, see the topics in Performing Common Tasks in XML and on the Command Line.

You do not need to edit configuration files for any components that you will not be using.

Click any link below for more information.

Basic Express Server Configuration Using XML Files