You are here: Reference > Hand-Editing Configuration Files > Configuring the JPIP Server Using XML Files

Configuring the JPIP Server Using XML Files

We strongly recommend that you configure and manage your Express Server installation using the Express Server Manager, a graphical user interface automatically installed with your product (see Configuring Express Server). The files in this section are preserved for reference and as a convenience to those who prefer to edit the configuration files in their XML form.

The JPIP Server is an optional component not automatically installed as part of your regular Express Server installation. You can choose to install the JPIP Server when you install Express Server (see Installation).

NOTE: The JPIP Server must be installed before configuration options for it can be set.

The JPIP Server has a number of configuration options, which are specified via configuration files. This section offers an overview of JPIP, a list of JPIP Server options and information about how to edit those options in the configuration files.

Upon installation, a catalog element is set in the Express Server's catalog configuration file (catalogs.xml) identifying the location of the JPIP server. This makes catalogued JPIP imagery visible to the browse command. If this visibility is not desired, you must remove or comment out the JPIPRoot element in the catalog configuration file (for more information see The JPIPRoot Element).

Click any link below for more information.

JPIP Server Options