You are here: Reference > Hand-Editing Configuration Files > Configuring Catalogs Using XML Files > The Catalog Element

The Catalog Element

The Catalog element defines an Express Server catalog. It contains the following editable attributes:


This is the name of the catalog. The name is used to specify the catalog in requests through the Web API.

If the name begins with a "." character, then this catalog is "hidden." That is, it does not appear in the list of catalogs returned by Express Server. However, even though it is not included in that list, it is still loaded and available for queries when specified by name.

Commas and spaces are not allowed as catalog names. You may use numbers and letters, dashes and underscores.


May be true or false, specifying whether the catalog is enabled or not. If set to false, then the catalog will not be loaded. The default value is true.

In addition to these attributes, each Catalog element must contain a Path element.

A catalog can also contain any of the following optional child elements:

Example: Creating a Simple Catalog

The following defines a catalog named "dc_sea" which contains the images stored in the C:\LizardTech\Express Server 9\SampleImages\dc_sea directory.

<Catalog name="dc_sea">
<Path>C:\LizardTech\Express Server 9\SampleImages\dc_sea</Path>

Example: Creating a Catalog with Band Selection

In the following example, the catalog "Missouri_RGB" consists of the first three bands of any images placed in that catalog:

<Catalog name="Missouri_RGB" enabled="true">

Example: Creating a Hidden Catalog

This defines a catalog named ".waterfront" which contains the images stored in the C:\testimages\waterfront directory. This catalog is "hidden" in that it is not present in any catalog listings published by Express Server. It is enabled however (enabled="true"), so it can be searched by name.

<Catalog name=".waterfront" enabled="true">