You are here: Reference > Hand-Editing Configuration Files > Basic Express Server Configuration Using XML Files > Sample iserv-cfg.xml File

Sample iserv-cfg.xml File

Below is the text from a iserv-cfg.xml file similar to the one included with your installation of Express Server. It includes many comments and can be a useful reference when reading about the elements and attributes and their values in the following topics.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Logging access="true" level="notice"/>
<DiskCache interval="360" root="" size="512"/>
<ImagePixelCache enabled="false" tileHeight="200" tileWidth="200" utility="0.0"/>
<IndexPixelCache enabled="true" tileHeight="200" tileWidth="200" utility="0.0"/>
<WarpPixelCache enabled="false" tileHeight="200" tileWidth="200" utility="0.0"/>
<Algorithms scaleMagThreshold="0.5" scaleResample="BL" warpErrorThreshold="0.333" warpResample="BL"/>
<ImageManager extractionCacheTrigger="2" extractionListSize="50" extractionTimeout="50" imgCacheSize="500" itemCacheSize="1000" maxConcurrentExtractions="50"/>