You are here: Reference > Performing Common Tasks in XML and on the Command Line > Adding a Catalog Using XML Files

Adding a Catalog Using XML Files

This section describes the steps required to add a catalog to Express Server.

NOTE: To add catalogs you must have read permissions to all Express Server folders and subdirectories and all catalogs, and write permissions to <Express Server installation directory>/ImageServer/var and its subfolders, as well as both read and write access to the source files and catalog folders. For more information see Permission Requirements.

  1. Open the file <Express Server installation directory>/ImageServer/etc/catalogs.xml in a text editor.
  2. Insert the following text just before the final </CatalogConfig> element, changing the path to specify your catalog location:

    <Catalog name="" enabled="true">
    <Path>C:/LizardTech/Express Server 9/SampleImages/geo</Path> 
  3. Fill in the name of the catalog. The name can be of your choosing, but it must contain only URL-safe characters. For this reason, it is best to limit this to letters and digits.
  4. Fill in the volume and root attributes with appropriate values. Together these make up the full directory path to the images you wish to publish.

    On Windows, the volume should be the drive letter followed by a colon and backslash (e.g. C:\). On Unix, the volume should be "/".

    The root attribute should be set to the directory path.

  5. [optional] Create a spatial index for the catalog.

  6. [optional] Generate an overview for the index.

  7. Restart the Express Server.

You should now be able to query the Express Server and access your newly created catalog. This can be done via a browse request as follows (replace the word "server" with the name of your server):
