You are here: Reference > Supported File Formats
Supported File Formats
LizardTech ExpressServer supports the following input (source) and output file formats:
Input File Formats
- MrSID Generation 2, 3, and 4 (.sid)
- JPEG 2000 (.jp2)
- NITF 2.1 (.ntf)
- Geospatial PDF
- MrSID Generation 4 LiDAR (.sid)
- LAS (.las)
- LAZ (.laz)
Output File Formats
- MrSID Generation 2, 3, and 4 (.sid)
- TIFF (.tif and .tiff)
- PNG (.png)
- JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg)
- BMP or “bitmap” (.bmp)
- GIF(.gif)
NOTE: Express Server's PNG and TIFF outputs support WMS GetMap requests for an alpha band.
Point Cloud
- MrSID Generation 4 LiDAR (.sid)
- LAS (.las)
- LAZ (.laz)
- MrSID Generation 4 (.sid)
- TIFF (.tif and .tiff)