You are here: Creating and Maintaining Catalogs > Setting Global Catalog Properties and Defaults

Setting Global Catalog Properties and Defaults

A number of catalog properties and defaults can be set globally on the Settings page. The following properties can also be set per catalog or catalog group:

Two other parameters, Catalog Properties and Item Properties, are only configurable as global defaults. These define the properties that will be returned in response to browse and calcrgn commands when no Properties parameter is present in the URL. For example, the default value "Name,Description" causes all browse and calcrgn requests to return the Name and Description catalog and item properties.

To set catalog defaults:

  1. Open the Express Server Manager (see Accessing the Express Server Manager).
  2. Click Settings on the top navigation bar.
  3. Select Catalog Defaults on the left-hand navigation panel, then click Edit at the bottom of your screen.
  4. Enter or edit values, then click Save (see Setting a Catalog's Advanced Properties and Setting a Catalog's LiDAR Properties for details about each property and default).
  5. If you have no further settings to edit, click Publish.

Remember that clicking Save in the workspace only temporarily saves your changes until you click Publish or Discard. Clicking Publish sends all edits on all the configuration pages to the live Express Server. Clicking Discard overwrites all pages of the workspace with the current live configuration.