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New Features

Version 9 of Express Server includes the following new features and enhancements:

Version 9.5

Now Serving LiDAR

Express Server 9.5 serves LiDAR images in MrSID Gen 4, LAS, and LAZ formats. You can visualize LiDAR data in any WMS viewer, and download and extract point clouds from your LiDAR collection.

Better Installation Experience

The Express Server installer can upgrade an existing Express Server 9 or later installation; you no longer need to uninstall your existing software and install the new version.

In addition, all prerequisite software is installed automatically, including Java and IIS.

ExpressZip Enhancements

ExpressZip has been updated to support LiDAR workflows. Users can clip, zip, and ship from LiDAR catalogs to DEMs and point clouds. In addition, users can filter by classification and other properties.

Version 9.0.6

Java 8 Support

Express Server now supports version 8 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Previously, it only supported version 7.

Version 9.0.4

NITF and JPEG 2000 Band Mapping

For NITF and JPEG 2000 images that have more than one band, you can select the bands that you want Express Server to deliver and the order of the bands. You can select one band to display an image in grayscale, or three bands to display an image as a red, green, and blue image. Previously, you could only select bands for images in the MrSID Generation 4 format.

Version 9.0.0

ExpressZip Web Application

ExpressZip is a sample web application that you can use to view and export Express Server imagery. You can select multiple layers, select the area that you want to export, and configure output options.

You can use ExpressZip with HTTPS and HTTP. To use ExpressZip, navigate to one of the following URLs:


Painless Upgrades

The Express Server installer now preserves any existing configuration of Express Server, including the configuration of each image catalog. After you install another version of Express Server, open the Express Server Manager and click Upgrade on the Status page to migrate image catalogs from the previous version of Express Server to the new installation. The upgrade functionality only supports upgrading from version 8 of Express Server.

Concurrent Processing

Express Server creates multiple threads to process image requests more quickly. The number of threads that you can run at one time depends on the number of cores in your machine's processor. You can set a maximum number of threads on the Settings page of the Express Server Manager.

Configurable Working Directory

The working directory is the location where Express Server stores information about image catalogs, including indexes, catalog overviews, the configuration archive, and catalog configuration files. Depending on the size and number of your image catalogs, the working directory may require several gigabytes of space. To alleviate space constraints, you may specify another directory to use for the working directory. For example, you may choose to store the working directory on an external drive.

NOTE: To see a list of fixes and other information on the current version of Express Server, see the Readme.