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Issues Creating Image Catalogs

In the Express Server Manager, you may encounter the following error when you attempt to create an image catalog:

Location is not a readable Directory, Share, or Server.

Alternatively, you may not be able to select the image directory that you want to add to an image catalog. The error occurs because one of the following does not have permission to access the image directory:

Grant read permission for the directory that you want to access to the user that runs the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat service or daemon. On Windows, the Tomcat service runs on the NetworkService account by default. You can view the account that runs the Tomcat service in the Windows Services utility. On Linux, the Tomcat daemon runs on the account specified during the installation of Express Server.

For Windows only, you also need to grant read permissions to the user that runs the LTESAppPool for the IIS Web Server. By default, the LTESAppPool runs on the NetworkService account. You can view the account that runs the LTESAppPool in the IIS Manager. Click Application Pools in the Connections pane to view information about the LTESAppPool. On Linux, the Apache service does not access imagery directly and therefore does not require special permissions.

If the image directories that you want to access are on a network, you may have to add the users that run the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat service, the IIS Web Server service, and on Windows the LTESAppPool user to the list of domain users.

Specifying a Domain User Account for Windows

Instead of adding the NetworkService account to your Windows domain and granting it access to the required image directories, you can change the user account that runs the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat Service and the LTESAppPool to an existing Domain User account that already has the required file access.

You may choose to do this if you do not have administrative control of the NetworkService account. By using a different account, you can ensure that you won't have any problems in the future if an administrator changes the permissions for the NetworkService account.

NOTE: Choose a domain user account whose password is set to never expire. Otherwise, when the user password is changed, you will need to perform these steps again using the new password.

To change the account used to log on to the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat Service:

  1. Start the Services utility.
  2. Double-click LizardTech Express Server Tomcat Service.
  3. In the General tab, click Stop.
  4. Click the Log On tab.
  5. Enter the account name that you want to use to run the Tomcat service.
  6. Enter the password for the account, then enter it again in the Confirm password field.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click the General tab and click Start.
  9. Click OK, then close the Services utility.

To change the account used to run LTESAppPool:

  1. Start IIS Manager.
  2. Select Application Pools.
  3. Right-click LTESAppPool and choose Advanced Settings.
  4. Select Identity and click the "edit" button (show as an ellipsis ...).
  5. In the Application Pool Identity dialog, choose Custom Account.
  6. Click Set, then enter the User name and Password for the domain account and click OK.
  7. Click OK in the Application Pool Identity dialog, then click OK in the Advanced Settings dialog.

To change the account used to run the website:

  1. In the IIS Manager window, expand Sites and click Default Web Site.
  2. Double-click Authentication.
  3. Right-click Anonymous Authentication and choose Edit.
  4. In the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog, choose Application Pool Identity and click OK.
  5. Close IIS Manager.