You are here: Creating and Maintaining Catalogs > Hiding a Catalog

Hiding a Catalog

You may hide a catalog simply by adding a period (.) to the beginning of its name. Hidden catalogs do not appear in the list of catalogs returned by Express Server. However, unlike a catalog that is disabled, a hidden catalog is visible if searched for by its "dotted" name.

NOTE: Hidden catalogs can be included in a catalog group, but again they will not show up in the list. They must be requested by name.

To hide a catalog:

  1. Open the Express Server Manager (see Accessing the Express Server Manager).
  2. Click Catalogs or Catalog Groups on the top navigation bar, then select a catalog or a catalog group in the list.
  3. Select Basic on the left-hand navigation, then click Edit at the bottom of your screen.
  4. In the Catalog Name field, enter a period (.) as the first character of the catalog name, then click Save.
  5. If you have no further settings to edit, click Publish.

Remember that clicking Save in the workspace only temporarily saves your changes until you click Publish or Discard. Clicking Publish sends all edits on all the configuration pages to the live Express Server. Clicking Discard overwrites all pages of the workspace with the current live configuration.

To make a hidden catalog visible again, remove the period at the beginning of the catalog name.

See also Enabling a Catalog.