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Directory and File Locations

The following list describes the directories and files installed by the Express Server installation program in<Express Server installation directory>:


This directory is the Express Server installation. The following table describes its subdirectories and their contents:

Root Express Server Installation Directory
Directory Description of Contents
bin Utility programs used in conjunction with Express Server
docs User documentation, stylesheets and sample web applications
etc Configuration files and other data for use by Express Server

DLLs/shared libraries required for Express Server to run


DLLs/shared libraries which implement certain Express Server functions.

The following is the provider module that provides access to file system catalogs:

lt_isFileProvider.dll (Windows) (Unix)


The following are COM components that implement various image codecs, data access, etc.:

lt_lib_sp_xxx.dll (Windows)

lt_lib_dt_xxx.dll (Windows) (Unix) (Unix)


The following are scripts that register/unregister all the COM components with the COM registry:

regall.bat (Windows)

unregall.bat (Windows) (Unix) (Unix)


Tomcat Libraries, configuration files, logs and other files required for Tomcat to run.
var Runtime data used by Express Server, including log files, temporary files, and spatial index data


This directory contains the sample images.

Other Files

The root install directory also includes the files License.pdf, README.pdf and Copyrights_Trademarks_and_Credits.pdf.