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Accessing and Using Log Files

Express Server uses six log files (including those of the optionally installed JPIP Server):

These files are important tools for monitoring Express Server activity and diagnosing problems. The logs files are located in the directory <Express Server installation directory>/ImageServer/var/log, but you can easily access them via the Express Server Manager.

To access logs via the Express Server Manager:

  1. Open the Express Server Manager (see Accessing the Express Server Manager).
  2. Click Status on the top navigation bar, then click the name of a log in the "Download log files" list.

Some Notes on the Express Server Access Log

The access log file is analogous to a web server access log. It contains a record of all web requests handled by Express Server. For each request handled by Express Server, an entry is appended to this file.

The format of the access log is

date [thread ID] server client [requestID] [size] url [status]


Some Notes on the Express Server Error Log

The error log file contains error messages, warnings, informational statements, and debug information. You can specify the level of information written to this log file (see Setting Basic Express Server Settings)

The format of the error log is

date [thread ID] [type] [status] message
